Book online here.
01332 349 479
Five Lamps Podiatry Clinic Limited, 8 Kedleston Road, Derby, DE22 1GU [See map]

Nail Care

Treatment may be simple nail trimming and/or advice on prevention of problems developing.

Patients may have difficulty cutting nails due to poor eyesight , arthritis, back trouble or poor flexibility.

Thickened toenails may blister or ulcerate beneath if not reduced in thickness.

Ingrown toenails if not treated early enough may require nail surgery.

Advice and treatment of fungal nail infection which may spread to the skin if not treated.

Corns beneath the nail can be extremely painful which will only worsen if not treated.


Surgery opened first Saturday of the month in the morning.

For any further information or to book an appointment please call 01332 349 479.

Corns & Callus
Corns & Callus
Areas of hard skin that are formed as a result of excess pressure, shear or friction on areas of the foot.
Ingrowing toenail
Ingrowing toenail
This is a condition where a spike of nail or uneven edge of the nail plate has pieced the skin.
These are a common viral infection affecting the feet, the same virus causes warts on the hands.